As Nafta Talks Continue Your Hamburger Hangs in the Balance
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![]() | As NAFTA talks continue, your hamburger hangs in the balance ( | ![]() | 13 | |
More: Scary, North American Free Trade Agreement, International trade, United States, Free trade, supply chain, World Trade Organization, NAFTA, Mexico |
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834 clicks; posted to Business » on 05 Feb 2018 at 2:20 PM (4 years ago) | Favorite | share:
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Gee, almost as if NAFTA was a good idea, but because Obama endorsed it, Trump had to hire two hookers to piss on it before he threw it out.
Huh. Another green that's an exact copy / paste of the linked headline. Very creative,Subby.
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Shameless plug: VPN Unlimited has completelt eliminated my need for that stuff. The downside is that I haven't won a single Facebook / Amazon drawing since I signed up...
/I have no affiliation with VPN Unlimited other than being a happy customer and am not being compensated in any way.
So if they ditch NAFTA prices will go up. I have this hunch that even if NAFTA stays intact that prices are going up anyway.
I see the pedos have stepped up their game from free candy
Remember back before NAFTA when hamburgers were so expensive that the 5 richest kings of Europe could afford them.
FormlessOne: Gee, almost as if NAFTA was a good idea, but because Obama endorsed it, Trump had to hire two hookers to piss on it before he threw it out.
Are hamburgers any cheaper now, adjusted for inflation, than they were before NAFTA?
DrewCurtisJr: FormlessOne: Gee, almost as if NAFTA was a good idea, but because Obama endorsed it, Trump had to hire two hookers to piss on it before he threw it out.
Are hamburgers any cheaper now, adjusted for inflation, than they were before NAFTA?
Used to be one hour of work would buy me 8 lbs of hamburger. Now it buys me 7 lbs. I've also 20 years of experience and have gotten raises and promotions over the years.
Last but not least, think about the mushroom.
Never a day goes by that I don't.
Gutting NAFTA gives us the best of both worlds: a small domestic manufacturing sector and expensive imports. MAGA
Don't tell the Trumpendumpster. Let him figure it out for himself when he orders his regular Paranoid Psycho Meal from McDough's.
$10, $12, $15 a quarter pound -- no price is too high to prevent bureaucrats and Democrats from touching The Donald's food.
brantgoose: Don't tell the Trumpendumpster. Let him figure it out for himself when he orders his regular Paranoid Psycho Meal from McDough's.
$10, $12, $15 a quarter pound -- no price is too high to prevent bureaucrats and Democrats from touching The Donald's food.
There is a place that sells a Paranoid Psycho Meal? Please tell me there is one in NJ...
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